Aerial view Cabo Harbor early 1970s

Aerial view of Cabo San Lucas Harbor early 1970s

Aerial view of Cabo in the early 1970s. Courtesy Latitude-22
Aerial view of Cabo in the early 1970s. Courtesy Latitude-22

Old Cabo, when drugs were good and we were bad, somewhere in the early 1970’S. LOOKS LIKE  Hotel Solmar, THE HACIENDA,  FINESTERA AND MAR DE CORTEZ.  Photo courtesy of Mike at Latitude 22+.

Ferry Ship Cabo San Lucas 1970s

Ferry Ship docked in Cabo San Lucas  1970s

Año 1970 en Cabo San Lucas llegaba el barco de carga y pasajeros , dónde hoy está el delfinario en aquel entonces estaba el atracadero, creo que la ruta era Puerto Vallarta  / Cabo San Lucas


Year 1970 in Cabo San Lucas came the cargo ship and passengers, where today is the dolphinarium at that time was the berth, I think the route was Puerto Vallarta / Cabo San Lucas.

Source: Facebook page of Ulysses Sandoval

Cargo ship in Cabo San Lucas harbor circa 1975-antiguas
Cargo ship in Cabo San Lucas harbor circa 1975-antiguas

Cargo ship, Puertp Vallarta docked in Cabo San Lucas harbor,  circa 1975. Photo – antiguas

View from Solmar Mountain 1990s

View from Solmar Mountain 1990s

Photo from the top of Solmar mountain of a group including LuLu Jacobsen Back in the 1990’s when Cabo San Lucas was virtually unknown to the masses.  Edith Jimenez, owner, of the “Office” on Medano Beach on the right, Bill and Tamara and her sister and Mike Grzanich, owner of Lattitude 22, climbing up to the sacrament at the very top. I’m thinking this is now closed off. Those were the best days.

View Cabo San Lucas from the top of Solmar Mountain 1990's

Photo and text courtesy Mike Grzanich (Lattitude 22+)