Aerial Video from 8mm home movie showing 1960s East Cape to Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos.
Here is another old 8mm home movie that I wanted to share. (Posted by Aaron Jacobs). A group of dentists on a fishing trip to Los Barriles in the 1960s. The home video shows the old dirt landing strip at the Palmas, Also, a flight along the coast down to land’s end showing Shipwreck beach, San Jose del Cabo, the Hotel Palmilla, Hotel Cabo San Lucas, etc.
An Excellent aerial view of San José del Cabo at the latter part of the 1970s. This images shows where the current tourist area of San José del Cabo is located. In those times there was only the President Hotel, located next to the estuary.
Aerial view of San Jose del Cabo in late 1970s
Excelente panorámica de finales de los 70s. de lo que actualmente es la zona turística de San José del Cabo!! En esos tiempos sólo existía el hotel Presidente… Junto al estero!! talked to Keith Peterman who spent many years flying to Baja California Sur.
Here is an excerpt of his interview with CaboVillas where he shares some memories and historic photos of these trips dating back to the 1970’s and 1980’s. Most resorts were located on the Sea of Cortez coast and at the tip of the peninsula. Therefore, most of their clientele arrived by boat and private aircraft.
Original post published onJune 14, 2016on the website of
Historic photo of Hotel Solmar in Cabo San Lucas , Mexico – 1988 PetermanHotel Palmilla San Jose del Cabo airstrip 1988. Photo Petermanhotel-cabo-san-lucas-2905 ft air-strip-1988 Photo Peterman
Does anyone have any information about the image on the left above? This aerial view of Land’s End at Cabo San Lucas was found on the internet but I have not been able to exactly identify the date it was taken, the source of the image or the owner. Any information would be appreciated.
This is another version of the Land’s End image from the internet. This shows more of Medano Beach. Exact date taken and the source of the image or the owner is unknown.