El San Lucas que ya conoci

The San Lucas You Already Know.

Biography by  Maria Faustina Wilkes Ritchie.

El San Lucas que ya conocí by Maria Faustina Wilkes Ritchie. 2010

Sra. Maria Faustina has been praised several times for his career, renowned teacher and scholar origin “cabeño” that has driven the future of hundreds of children, strengthened the character of youth and pride of his contemporaries to rescue from the ground history , culture and traditions of the region of Cabo San Lucas. As a student of the past now becomes the voice of those who had wanted to tell their memories.

This book is only available in Spanish, but is very well done.


View from Sur Beach House, Medano Beach, Cabo -2017, 2651-x2
View from Sur Beach House, Medano Beach, Cabo -2017, 2651-x2