This a picture of Trollop that we sailed into the Cape in 1968. The bay was alive with fish because the cannery was pumping all the fish parts into the bay they did not use.
There were only two lights on shore at three in the morning when we arrived. The Hacienda and one in the village. See the smoke coming up from the cannery? Unbelievable what happened. Telling my age
September 15, 1939. The previous night a great gust of water fell through the mountains that opened the course of the Salto de San Nicolás stream, destroying the town of Cabo San Lucas, not only destroyed the town but also drowned 5 people, in this house a mass offered by Father Daniel Zabala had been officiated, the neighbors gathered, praying for the ranches and for them, since it had been raining for several days, the great consternation was that 3 “snakes” of water loaded into the sea, through the town. Wilkes Family House Ceseña my grandparents, are the people. Mr. Ezequiel Araiza mail chauffeur that car was tied to an acasia tree, my father, Paco WILKES Ceseña, THE FATHER AND THE BELLA TĪA CHAYO AND TORRAS people. Current location is near Arre Mango, dowtown Cabo San Lucas.
15 de Septiembre 1939. La noche anterior cayó por la sierra una gran tromba que abriø el cauce del arroyo del Salto de San Nicolás arrasando el poblado de Cabo San Lucas, no solo destruyø el pueblo sino que también se ahogaron 5 personas, en esta casa se había oficiado una misa ofrecida por el padre Daniel Zabala,se reunieron los vecinos orando por las rancherías y por ellos ya que tenía lloviendo en forma pertináz varios días la consternación tan grande es que 3″culebras” de agua cargaron en el mar pasando a través del pueblo. Casa de la Familia Wilkes Ceseña mis abuelos, son las personas el Sr Ezequiel Araiza chofer del correo ese carro fué atado a un arbol de acasia, mi papæ Paco WILKES, EL PADRE Y LA BELLA TĪA CHAYO Y Torras personas. Ubicaciøn actual por Arre mango.
Aerial Video from 8mm home movie showing 1960s East Cape to Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos.
Here is another old 8mm home movie that I wanted to share. (Posted by Aaron Jacobs). A group of dentists on a fishing trip to Los Barriles in the 1960s. The home video shows the old dirt landing strip at the Palmas, Also, a flight along the coast down to land’s end showing Shipwreck beach, San Jose del Cabo, the Hotel Palmilla, Hotel Cabo San Lucas, etc.
A bit of early history of Golf in Los Cabos. This information was gathered from the sources listed at the end of this page. The early black and white images from Los Cabos are very interesting.
The practice of golf in Los Cabos began long before the tourist development. In the middle of the last century, a boy named Parna Ceseña arrived from the United States to spend vacations with his relatives in San José del Cabo.
San Jose del Cabo early image – Embarcadeosan-jose-del-cabo-early-black-white-2
However, the game of golf was played here long before the development of tourism. In the middle of the last century, a young boy from the United States named Parna Ceseña came to spend his vacations with his relatives in San Jose del Cabo.
Parna began to inspect the ground. After a few paces he stopped and said, “It will be here.” He extracted a golf club from one bag and something that looked like a turtle egg from a smaller bag. He squatted, swept the ground with his hand and placed the ball. He stood up, took a stance and hit the ball with the club sending it far away.
Mr. Hector Green Miranda, mayor of San Jose del Cabo, recalled that golf was also played at the beach on a piece of land called “El Salitral,” where the first airplane had landed, and where today, the Puerto Los Cabos marina is located.
Sources listed below. More images available to view: